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Families tend to make financial decisions one life event at a time. Think about it: Your child graduates college, gets their first job and starts a 401(k). Next, they get married, buy life insurance, save in a joint account, and set up estate documents. Then, they have children, purchase more life insurance, make sure disability is covered, and open 529 accounts.

We tend to walk through our lives checking these “boxes” — when these processes are more like a funnel with the end goal being retirement. At Gatewood Wealth Solutions, we’re here to help you start managing that funnel today, so you’ll have pulled all the right levers for your family by the time you’re ready to retire. Our retirement planning services include:

Gatewood Wealth Solutions Social Security Maximization

Social Security Maximization

Understand how and when to take Social Security. Married? Divorced? Interested in still working? These are all considerations that need to be taken into account to ensure you maximize your benefits.

Gatewood Wealth Solutions Pension Analysis

Pension Analysis

See your pension benefits in the context of your broader financial plan (which we call your Goals Analysis).

Gatewood Wealth Solutions Monte Carlo Analysis

Monte Carlo Analysis

Learn your probability of success based on several factors. 

Gatewood Wealth Solutions Distribution Planning

Distribution Planning

Know when and how to take distributions, so you can maximize your tax strategy and maintain your ideal cash flow during retirement. 

Gatewood Wealth Solutions 401(k) Transition Assistance

401(k) Transition Assistance

Roll over your assets to a new employer's plan or an IRA, or cash out the account value. 

Gatewood Wealth Solutions Hub Accounts

Hub Accounts

Insulate your portfolio and plan with cash. You are setting aside money proactively to provide security during inevitable down markets.


Let's Talk

Jared Freese, CFP®, CLU®, CEPA, ChFC®
Wealth Advisor

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